Monday, August 4, 2008

Confession: Baby Girl Blues.....(I mean Pinks!)

Okay y'all......I LOVE my boys and I love all the fun stuff that little boys do...but the family is in testosterone overload these days! I have always wanted sons & daughters, and currently, I have all the boys I could ever need! I love them to pieces! But to date, I still have zero girls! I am sure that I am done having babies....but this is something I keep thinking about. *sigh* Decisions, Decisions! Of course this is coming from the mommy of 2 boys who saved every single one of her 200+ Barbie dolls, Barbie cars, houses, baby dolls, doll house, etc. for the little girl that she figured that she would have someday! Thankfully, my mom & dad have been ever so kind to keep all of this great girly stuff in storage at their house for me because I would have no-where to store it all here! lol

So, that's my dilemma/confession for today! It's a tough one! But I might add that I'm pretty sure that if I ever did have a little girl that she would probably be a tom-boy and not even care about the girly goods that I've saved for her for many moons! (Okay now, I'm not that old!)

By the way, did I mention that nearly Everyone that I know is pregnant right now.....all pregnant with little girls I might add! Yep! 8 of my pals/relatives are all pregnant right now....all having baby girls! So when I'm shopping for little girls stuff for their baby showers I might just go pink crazy and buy a pink and brown polka-dot nursery ensemble for my own little girl.....that I might decide to have one day.....OR NOT!!!!! Who knows! :) Either way, I'm super content with my family of 2 great little boys and 1 great hubby for now.....but I think a little girl added to the mix would be a whole lot of fun! lol
(The real-life blog of a 20-something work-at-home mom of 2 boys who would love to have a little girl one day......)


Kateedyd said...

I wasn't sure if I really wanted another one or not. I was happy with my one boy but dh wanted a girl. He prayed hard. LOL! And he got her too! She isn't your typical girl...very much a tom-boy. I saved all my stuff too, just in case. I'll tell you, it's really fun to bring it back out...even if she's too young to play with it. :o)

Thanks for visiting me! I'm happy to know that someone reads my stuff. I'll get you on my roll soon.

Lele.lumz! said...

Well, Kateedyd, I must say that I saw her pic on your blog and she is a cutie! You must be proud! :)
Thanks for checking out my blog too! Take Care! :)

Eli said...

I have 2 little girls and I LOVE them *so* much! They are girly girls too and love to play with my old barbies, lol! Love your blog...I'm adding it to my roll!

Lele.lumz! said...

Hey, edub! Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your blog too! Take Care! :)