Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Expression: Lions & Tigers & Bears....OH MY!

New Digital Camera $150
African Safari admission $65
3 Bags of "overpriced animal-safe" carrots $20
Taking a picture of a happy Zebra at an African Safari with your new camera after bribing him with carrots......Priceless!

Have you ever been on an African Safari or ever wanted to go on one?
Well, you should go!
Getting up close and personal with the animals allows you really get a good look at them, at their teeth and inside their mouth too! lol We took the kids to our 2nd visit to an African Safari over the weekend and we had alot of fun looking at the animals. This little guy here was all smiles when he got his carrot! lol What's funny to me is the fact that when you drive your vehicle through the safari, the animals all come hang out with you. They put their heads in your car and look all around to check out who's in there and what food you've got to give them. We even had a huge giraffe walk over and stick his head in our car to say hi! I didn't get a very good picture of him because his head was blocking me from reaching my camera! lol
We had mixed reactions in our family about getting up close to the animals. We all love animals, especially my husband....ironically he was the must scared of the animals....his window was up nearly the entire time! "He was too busy driving..." Yah right! :) My oldest son liked to watch the animals and talk to them with his window only slightly cracked...being cautious like always. My youngest son wanted to be all up on the animals and he was talking to them and laughing the whole time...acting wild as usual. That frightened me a bit! Me...I liked them but I was busy handling 1,000 tasks at once as usual! Trying to pay attention to the animals, take pictures, feed carrots, carefully watch little man, trying to encourage oldest son to have fun, passing around the hand sanitizer every 10 seconds and teasing hubby for being scared of the animals!
Also, the kids got to each ride a pony and they got to ride a camel together which was really cute. Then they both held a huge Boa Constrictor together.................now that was scary to me! But we had a great time and best of all, we managed to get out of there alive (which is always a plus! lol)
To search for Wildlife Safari's in you area, check out these places!

Life of Lele.lumz
(The real life expressions of a 20-something work-at-home mom of 2 who likes wildlife......through the comfort of her own vehicle! :)


Unknown said...

We have something like that about an hour or so from where we live that my oldest girl went to on a field trip last year in her class. Hopefully next summer we may all get to go to visit it.

Lele.lumz! said...

It's nice when you have access to a place like this without having to drive too far....Yikes! Gas Prices! lol
I think your family would have a great time. It's definitely something different than the ordinary stuff! :)

Shannon*~ said...

hahaha that zebra's smile is hilarious lol

Lele.lumz! said...

LOL Dracofly.....
He certainly is cheesin', isn't he? lol

Kateedyd said...

Wow that's cool! We don't have anything like that around here. The dd would love to see that I think. Hopefully next year we can get down to So. Ca and back to Dinseyland and maybe San Diego for Sea World

Lele.lumz! said...

Actually, Kateedyd, Disney & Sea World are 2 of my very favorite places in the entire world! We are hoping to go back within a year or so because we miss it sooo much! :)

Unknown said...

I think your blog is a wonderful read and wanted to give you this award. It's on my Anybody Can Bake blog for you to pick up =)

Lele.lumz! said...

Thank you Nicoyle! I am soooo happy! Thank you for the great award! It's my first blogging award!!! :)

Shannon*~ said...

HEY! I got an award for you!!


Lele.lumz! said...

Another award?! WhoooooHoooo! My second blogging award! Thanks dracofly....you & Nicoyle both made my day! I'll be by your site to pick it up! lol :)
Thanks again! :)

Kateedyd said...

LOL! I see dracofly got you before I did!

Now you're even more special! LOL!


Lele.lumz! said...

Kateedyd! Awww...thanks girl!
You all are sooooo sweet for the blogging award!
I'm not worthy...I'm not worthy! lol
You guys are great!:)